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Autor(es): Dr. Reinald Paredes (UNESR), Msc. Mar (UNESR),

    Considerando que la participaci

Palabras Claves: participaci
(Participation and Social Responsibility Immanent to University Work from The Socio-Critical Reflection)

    Considering that participation is a duty and a Venezuelan constitutional right; the country requires that it be exercised in all scenarios, the university context is one of which is urgently needed to guide the training process, committing to provoke and recover spaces, contributing significantly to the teaching-learning process as a practice of social responsibility. What translates into acting, betting on the genuine conscience that demands a reflective education. From this point of view, this article weaves together a reflective process oriented from the Socio Critical Paradigm through the processes of: (a) self-reflection from the Sim

Keywords: participation, social responsibility, reflection
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Déposito Legal: PPX200602TR2436 | ISSN: 1856-6936
     Ediciones Anteriores

Volúmen: 16
Número: 2 Jul/Dic
Año: 2022

Dr. Iván Pérez


Revista Electrónica de la Universidad Valle del Momboy

    La Facultad de Ingeniería UVM, presenta a los visitantes de la Web, su Revista Electrónica semestral: "INGENIERÍA UVM" dirigida por el Dr. Iván Pérez. Revista basada en trabajos sometidos a un arbitraje doble ciego, de índole científico-técnico, relacionadas con las carreras de Ingeniería de Computación, Ingeniería Industrial y afines.



Copyright 2011, Revista Electrónica UVM Todos los Derechos Reservados.
Ing. Raiza Hazím, Ing. Domingo Ramírez