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Autor(es): Jos (UNESR),

    Este art

Palabras Claves: Programa de pasant
(Internships as Development of Digital Competences. Glimpsed from The Social Actors in The E.T.C. Mother Rafols)

    This article presents some contributions to the conceptualization of internships as the development of digital skills in the participants, as well as analyzing from the perspective of the students themselves, some of the characteristics that are considered determinants of their uniqueness as a training instance. at the Technical Commercial School (E.T.C.) Madre Rafols. In this sense, it is intended to reveal the process of internships as a developer of digital skills, for this reason it is studied glimpsing it from the social actors. The research paradigm is qualitative and the method is Husserls phenomenology, the phases of the method were applied. The conception of the work was carried out from this phenomenological approach, since it refers to: the explanation of the essence of the experiences of the research subjects, and the phenomenon studied. The social actors are made up of 79 students of the 6th year of the E.T.C. Mother Rafols. The information was organized, categorized, coded and triangulated from the sources of information: in-depth interview, observation and written primary sources. As a result, the emotions present in the students before the action lived were revealed, describing the experiences and interpreting the knowledge acquired. A final reflection is made where the researcher as a knowing subject presents the Internships as a challenge with significant experiences for the development of digital skills.

Keywords: Internship Program, Competences, Digital Competences
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Déposito Legal: PPX200602TR2436 | ISSN: 1856-6936
     Ediciones Anteriores

Volúmen: 16
Número: 2 Jul/Dic
Año: 2022

Dr. Iván Pérez


Revista Electrónica de la Universidad Valle del Momboy

    La Facultad de Ingeniería UVM, presenta a los visitantes de la Web, su Revista Electrónica semestral: "INGENIERÍA UVM" dirigida por el Dr. Iván Pérez. Revista basada en trabajos sometidos a un arbitraje doble ciego, de índole científico-técnico, relacionadas con las carreras de Ingeniería de Computación, Ingeniería Industrial y afines.



 CONTRIBUCI / (Contribution of ITC to the teaching and learning process of science, from the CRINCEF)
Dilue Rivero (NURR)
Frank S. Dabo (NURR)
Gladys M. Guti (NURR)
Hebert El (NURR)
Jes (NURR)
Juan C. Ter (NURR)
Manuel Antonio Villarreal Uzcategui (NURR)

  / (Ecosystem Services Generated by The Praxis of Agro-Ecology)
Dra. Rosario Melero
Soc. Jeaneth Montero
Dra. Eglee Dur

 PARTICIPACI / (Participation and Social Responsibility Immanent to University Work from The Socio-Critical Reflection)
Dr. Reinald Paredes (UNESR)
Msc. Mar (UNESR)



 Compilador basado en PL0 (Sistema UNIX)
Anyelo Jose Azuaje Pacheco (UVM)

Dra. Rosario Melero

Msc. Hellyss Mendoza



Copyright 2011, Revista Electrónica UVM Todos los Derechos Reservados.
Ing. Raiza Hazím, Ing. Domingo Ramírez