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Autor(es): Dra. Gisela Guerrero (UNESR), Dra. Eva Pasek de Pinto (UNESR),

    El objetivo de esta investigaci

Palabras Claves: Gesti
(Andragogical vision of knowledge management in university research spaces)

    The objective of this research was to analyze the elements of knowledge management from the perspective of the andragogic principles of horizontality and participation in order to reorganize them as a basis for the development of inquiry in the research spaces of UNESR. It is theoretically based on the contributions of the Knowledge Management approach (Wiig, 1993; Nonaka and Tackeuchi, 1999), and Adam (1987). Methodologically, it was an analytical investigation with a documentary design (Hurtado de Barrera, 2010). The units of analysis were the phrases that identify the elements of knowledge management and the characteristics of the andragogic principles of horizontality and participation. The technique used was content analysis and the instrument was a valid and reliable relational analysis matrix (0.92%). The results indicate that the elements of knowledge management can be summarized in: people/culture, institutional management and technology; the andragogic elements that correspond to horizontality are: sharing among equals, acquiring experiences and living values and those of participation are: interactions, shared responsibility and teamwork. It is concluded that knowledge management at UNESR can be carried out from the andragogical principles of horizontality and participation, established in the vision, mission and institutional values declared in its philosophy.

Keywords: Knowledge management, andragogy, participation, horizontality, UNESR
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Déposito Legal: PPX200602TR2436 | ISSN: 1856-6936
     Ediciones Anteriores

Volúmen: 16
Número: 2 Jul/Dic
Año: 2022

Dr. Iván Pérez


Revista Electrónica de la Universidad Valle del Momboy

    La Facultad de Ingeniería UVM, presenta a los visitantes de la Web, su Revista Electrónica semestral: "INGENIERÍA UVM" dirigida por el Dr. Iván Pérez. Revista basada en trabajos sometidos a un arbitraje doble ciego, de índole científico-técnico, relacionadas con las carreras de Ingeniería de Computación, Ingeniería Industrial y afines.



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Ing. Raiza Hazím, Ing. Domingo Ramírez