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Autor(es): Dra. Judith Aular de Duran (LUZ), Dr. Jes (URBE),

    Este trabajo es un estudio longitudinal basado en el trabajo previo de (Cendros et. Al, 2019) sobre un an

Palabras Claves: Rendimiento acad
(Academic Performance of Students in Chemistry in Venezuela: A Gender Extended Study 2017 -2021)

    This work is a longitudinal study based on the work of (Cendros et. Al, 2026) on an analysis of the reliability of easily measurable indicators to determine the academic performance of university education students in chemistry degrees: average grades, efficiency, effectiveness and attrition levels. In the previous study, it was confirmed that through these indicators that the parameters studied are reliable to determine academic performance. The sample consisted of all registered students, from 2007 to 2021, in the Chemistry degree at the University of Zulia (LUZ) - Venezuela, the largest university in the country. Parameters such as gender, career, year of enrollment, courses taken, and grade point average were used. The data reliability test, the alpha test and the t test, were performed for two independent groups with an alpha significance level of .05. The results again revealed that the indicators used are reliable with a Conbrach alpha of 0.897 and that there are no significant gender differences in terms of academic performance. Looking for gender differences in attrition, high levels of attrition were observed in both sexes. Concluding that, the parameters studied are reliable to determine academic performance. The sample taken is not affected by the gender condition of the students. Enrollment stabilization was observed since 2017 and that was not significantly affected neither by the Covid 19 pandemic.

Keywords: Academic Performance, Gender, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Grade Point Average.
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Déposito Legal: PPX200602TR2436 | ISSN: 1856-6936
     Ediciones Anteriores

Volúmen: 16
Número: 2 Jul/Dic
Año: 2022

Dr. Iván Pérez


Revista Electrónica de la Universidad Valle del Momboy

    La Facultad de Ingeniería UVM, presenta a los visitantes de la Web, su Revista Electrónica semestral: "INGENIERÍA UVM" dirigida por el Dr. Iván Pérez. Revista basada en trabajos sometidos a un arbitraje doble ciego, de índole científico-técnico, relacionadas con las carreras de Ingeniería de Computación, Ingeniería Industrial y afines.



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Ing. Raiza Hazím, Ing. Domingo Ramírez