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Autor(es): Dr. Manuel Antonio Villarreal Uzcategui (NURR), Dr. Jeisson Enrique Nava Bastidas (UNESR), Dr. Hebert El (NURR), Dr. Franklin Antonio Duran Olivares (UNESR),

    La aplicaci

Palabras Claves: Ense
(Application of science, technology and society approaches in the teaching of Physics)

    The application of science, technology and society approaches in Physics of the 3rd year of secondary education, provides interesting didactic proposals to teachers in order to achieve significant learning in this area of training, in its conceptualization as science, its application in technological development processes and awareness of social changes, product of their daily interaction. In this sense, the purpose of our research is to evaluate whether the Science, Technology and Society (STS) approaches are applied in the teaching of Physics in the 3rd year of general secondary education. The methodology used is directed under a descriptive investigation, with field design; the study was carried out in six public educational institutions of the Valera Municipality of the Trujillo State, by means of the realization and application of an instrument to a sample of teachers of the Physics subject of the 3rd year of secondary education. As a result of the data analysis, there is evidence of the lack of pedagogical alternatives that allow the application of STS approaches. There is a positive assessment of the inclusion of content on the nature of science and technology, mainly those that refer to the procedures and models used for scientific work, taking up the demonstrative experiences and guiding the linking of Physics in society and everyday doing.

Keywords: Teaching of Physics; Science, Technology and Society; Meaningful Learning.
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Déposito Legal: PPX200602TR2436 | ISSN: 1856-6936
     Ediciones Anteriores

Volúmen: 16
Número: 2 Jul/Dic
Año: 2022

Dr. Iván Pérez


Revista Electrónica de la Universidad Valle del Momboy

    La Facultad de Ingeniería UVM, presenta a los visitantes de la Web, su Revista Electrónica semestral: "INGENIERÍA UVM" dirigida por el Dr. Iván Pérez. Revista basada en trabajos sometidos a un arbitraje doble ciego, de índole científico-técnico, relacionadas con las carreras de Ingeniería de Computación, Ingeniería Industrial y afines.



 Compilador basado en PL0 (Sistema UNIX)
Anyelo Jose Azuaje Pacheco (UVM)

Dra. Rosario Melero

Msc. Hellyss Mendoza



Copyright 2011, Revista Electrónica UVM Todos los Derechos Reservados.
Ing. Raiza Hazím, Ing. Domingo Ramírez